Mrs. Monica Donini
President of the Legislative Assembly of Emilia-Romagna Region – Italy
June 13, 2007

Joya in a meeting with Mrs. Monica Donini (3rd from right) in Italy – 2005

Dear Sirs,

We have heard with deep disconcertment about the suspension from the Parliamentary offices of Mrs. Malalai Joya, a young woman who has always fought and still fights to assert human rights in her country; a woman we personally met and appreciated for her reliability, consciousness, courage, the sense of responsibility, the love and the confidence in her people and her country.

Malalai Joya is the voice, full of hope, of Afghan women and men who wish to live in peace in a free country, fully respectful of legality and her electoral mandate embodies important and fundamental expectations for the realization of the rights of peace, non-violence and democracy.

Therefore, it is our firm belief that Mrs. Malalai Joya shall be restore in her office inside the Parliament not only for the precious contribution she can offer to her country, but to the whole international community.

Please accept these considerations as an invitation to the dialogue from an Institution, the one I represent, that strongly believes in the international cooperation, in the politics as an instrument of dialogue among peoples, in the supremacy of the parliaments as places delegated to represent all citizens in the fullness of their rights.

We believe that Malalai Joya must came back to act as a Member of the Parliament also as a woman, as a young woman who can and must represent the future of Afghanistan at peace.

Please take into due consideration this grieved appeal coming from who feels solidarity towards your people and the institutions representing them.

Yours very truly, I remain

Monica Donini