Pajhwok Report, Pajhwok Afghan News, June 20, 2007

Joya’s situation was raised in the federal parliaments across Australia

Demonstration for Malalai Joya on the steps of Victorian State Parliament.

KABUL, June 20: A group of parliamentarians and common citizens Wednesday staged a peaceful protest demonstration in Melbourne, Australia, in support of the ousted female MP Malalai Joya.

The participants were demanding the restoration of the outspoken legislator who was expelled from the Wolesi Jirga through a no-trust vote for her derogatory remarks against her fellow-parliamentarians.

MP Tammy Lobato, who presented a statement to his country’s parliament in support of Joya, said they were determined to get Joya’s situation raised in the federal parliaments across Australia.

So far the issue has or will be raised in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory parliaments, said the legislator.

The issue will also be presented by Senator Kerry Nettle of the Greens Party in the Upper House of Federal Parliament. Another Senator, Lyn Allison, the leader of the Democrats Party has written a letter to the Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer on the issue, said Lobato.

“It was a privilege to be able to do whatever we can for Malalai Joya and the courageous and inspirational women of Afghanistan, and we are really pleased she was able to get out of Afghanistan safely,” he said.

MP Tammy Lobato (in black coat holding Joya’s photos) presented a Member’s Statement to the Parliament today in support of Joya.