Malalai Joya, December 10, 2021
This year, on the 10th of December, the day of “International Human Rights” fled. Our dear country, Afghanistan, under the rule of Taliban terrorists, has become more than ever, into a burning hell and unfortunately, our oppressed people are experiencing the most disastrous days.

This blood sucker group has committed unimaginable anti-human crimes in the name of “peace”, “jihad”, “Islam” and “public amnesty” against our unfortunate people and they are mercilessly sacrificed on a daily basis.
Over the decades of war, occupation and rule of the most criminal and corrupt groups and elements of Jihadis, Taliban and Western technocrats on the fate of our unfortunate people. Talking about issues such as human rights, democracy, peace, social justice, etc. in the country is in fact exploiting these human values.
In my opinion, the deadly silence of the “world community” about the ongoing disaster in Afghanistan, which they always claim and abuse “human rights” is a proof that human values are not imported goods, but for the revival and fulfillment of their values and aspirations of the people. The same land must be placed on their arms with awareness and reliance.

All organizations built and paid for by imperialism that are headed by the UN dance only to the lords of global power and for them human lives are not important. Most of the world organizations are tools at the service of imperialism and that is it. If it wasn’t so, then in a world where the voices of innocent deprived people are loud, children and women in countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Ukraine, Somalia, etc. homeless people are drowned in the seas or Dying of cold and starving, protests in Latin America, Iran, Palestine and other countries are answered with bullets, 99% of the world’s population has no bread to eat and warring imperialists invest billions of dollars in arms factories to kill people Continuing their criminalities in poor countries, why not a slight protest against the widespread violations of human rights by the US and its allies around the world?
In my turn, on this day, I ask all true human rights defenders in every corner of the world to work together not only one day but forever for a world free from oppression and the practical realization of human rights.